Save the date - High Impact Practices in Family Planning Webinar

April 22, 2015
Join WHO/IBP, UNFPA, USAID and the IBP HIPs Task Team for a Series of Webinars around Maximizing FP Investments through Evidence Based Programming. The first of the webinar series on High Impact Practices will be on May 6th, 2015 from 9:00 to 10:30 EST.  
Webinar 1:  How do we synthesize and translate more than 50 years of experience and learning from family planning programming?  Using High Impact Practices High Impact Practices (HIPs) are effective service delivery or systems interventions that when scaled up and institutionalized, can strengthen a comprehensive family planning strategy. The HIPs briefs are concise summaries of these evidence-based practices to help focus FP resources and efforts.  In this webinar we will discuss the origin of the HIPs, the development of the HIP briefs, and their application to inform program decision making.

Register here.