
Read below for APC-related news, partner announcements, and information on new or existing RFAs.


December 04, 2013 | Announcement

RFA GH-011, Improving Capacity to Deliver Effective HIV Services for Key Affected Populations in Guyana, has been amended. See the grants page for the changes.

December 04, 2013 | Announcement

Answers to questions for APC RFA GH-011, Improving Capacity to Deliver Effective HIV Services for Key Affected Populations in Guyana, are now available on the grants page.

November 01, 2013 | Announcement

This announcement reports on the existence of the Physicians for Peace vision education and screening program in selected public elementary schools in the Philippines.

October 15, 2013 | Article

This news story reports the theme for the International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in November 2013. The theme "full access, full choice" urges global action to ensure that everyone, regardless of location and circumstance, has access to family planning services to meet their needs. DKT International, one of the largest private providers of family planning products and services and HIV prevention in the developing world, shows examples of how they provide full access and choice in Ethiopia and 18 other developing countries.

September 16, 2013 | Press Release

This press release reports that Physicians for Peace has received a $130,000 grant to provide vision care to impoverished children in the Philippines. With this award, Physicians for Peace will expand its vision care program, improving the lives of significantly more children.

September 09, 2013 | Press Release

This press release reports that about 10,000 primary and secondary students will receive vision screenings with those in need receiving quality eyeglasses under an extended, U.S.-supported activity launched in Quoc Oai, Hanoi. Funded by USAID through a grant provided through APC and implemented by HKI Vietnam.

September 05, 2013 | Announcement

This grant announcement states that Sonke Gender Justice Network received a grant from USAID and APC to strengthen gender equality and family planning in sub-Saharan Africa.

August 30, 2013 | Announcement

Answers to questions for RFA GH-009: Integration of Family Planning Services into Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health Programs, Food Assistance Programs, or other Non-health Sector Programs are now available. Please visit the grants page for more information.

August 26, 2013 | Announcement

Answers to questions for RFA GH-010: Improving Services to Key Populations in the Dominican Republic are now available. Please visit the grants page for more information.

August 16, 2013 | Announcement

APC announces the availability of revised documents for RFA No. GH-006 and GH-007, Expanding Community-based Access to Injectable Contraceptives. To see the updated document and question and answers, please visit the grants page.

August 16, 2013 | Announcement

APC invites qualified organizations to integrate family planning services into existing programs, particularly MNCH, food assistance, or other non-health sector programs. For full application details and deadlines read the full RFA announcement.

July 19, 2013 | Announcement

On behalf of the U.S. Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Office of Population and Reproductive Health (PRH), Advancing Partners & Communities (APC) has awarded a grant to the Sonke Gender Justice Network to strengthen gender equality and family planning in sub-Saharan Africa.

July 01, 2013 | Announcement

APC invites qualified organizations to submit an application for projects to improve the safety, well-being, and development of highly vulnerable children . For application details please read the full RFA announcement.

May 16, 2013 | Announcement

APC invites qualified organizations to submit an application in support of wheelchair service development in less resourced settings. For application details please read the full RFA announcement.

May 07, 2013 | Announcement

APC and the Flexible Fund partner meeting presented information on community-based referral networks implemented by several partners.

April 25, 2013 | Announcement

The Advancing Partners & Communities (APC) Project was launched in October 2012.


December 28, 2012 | Article

This news article reports on the One Man Can program in South Africa. The program teaches young men about the importance of condom use, how HIV is spread, and attempts to reduce GBV through education.

August 23, 2012 | Article

This news article reports that the Dominican Republic’s National Social Security Council has established a commission to look into the technical, financial and operational implications of including antiretroviral therapy (ART) in the Basic Health Plan.

August 13, 2012 | Press Release

This press release reports that more than 10,000 primary and secondary school students in Kon Tum Province have been screened for vision problems with more than 800 of them receiving eyeglasses from ChildSight, an eye care project that improves the vision of children in Kon Tum Province, Vietnam.

June 01, 2012 | Announcement

This announcement congratulates Mary Akyem on her sale of 7,000 units of condoms by going door-to-door in rural Ghana.