GM-0066: Providing Technical Assistance to Integrate Family Planning into Conservation Programs within the Lake Victoria Basin

    Award Period:
    August 01, 2014 to May 31, 2016

 Country: Kenya  |  Associated APC Country Office: USA - Washington, DC

Community Health Matters Focus Area:

Through a grant awarded under Advancing Partners & Communities (APC), the Nyanza Reproductive Health Society (NRHS) focuses on providing Technical Assistance (TA) to its partner NGOs in capacity building and training to enable the NGOs to integrate family planning (FP) into their environmental conservation, health, livelihoods and poverty alleviation programs. The overall approaches and processes proposed are meant to promote this goal. The organization will install FP utilizations as a major contributor to establishing a balanced and regulated population growth, healthy living and environmental sustainability that will eventually translate into individual, household, family, societal, and national prosperity.

Keywords: Kenya, capacity building, family planning, Kenya